Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Polycistronic mRNA

Polycistronic mRNA (fig. 1) is a messenger RNA molecule that encodes the sequence for more than one protein usually with a related funcion. This molecule emerges from the transcription of operons which are a set of several genes activated by the same promotor. It acts on the translation process (protein synthesis) in procaryotes. In some cases, this messenger RNA can be cleaved into individual messengers that can be translated individually.

                                                                                          1. Prokaryotic polycistronic transcription unit

Licenciatura em Bioquímica, 2º ano:
Grupo 1 PL3
Ana Isabel Baptista
Bruna Basto
Eduarda Gomes
Gonçalo Carvalho
Luís Peixoto
Tiago Gião

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