Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Saccharomyces cerevisiae’s chromosome VI characterization      
The VI chromosome cerevisiae Saccharomyces presents 26.98 Kb, which comparatively with other chromosomes of this yeast, we can see that this one presents smaller dimensions than the others. Concerning the size of the two arms of this chromosome, we have a smaller arm with 121534 pairs of bases and a longer arm with 148510 pairs of bases. Concerning the number of genes, the chromosome presents 129 known/predicted genes, with 300 pairs of bases or longer.
This chromosome presents 14 ARS’s: 600; 600.4; 601; 602; 603; 603.1; 603.5; 604; 605; 606; 607; 608; 609; 610; of which the ARS603 (image 1) is involved in replication. The ARS603 is active during the second half of the S phase, in 67% of the cell cycles.
In summary, this chromosome presents several genes, that are responsible for the replications, of which the YFR001w, YFR002w, YFR006w, YFR008w, YFR009w, and many others. If you want see more searches the link below:

                                            Image 1. Characteristics and sequence of the ARS603

Grupo 2.2
Licenciatura em Bioquímica
Bárbara Carvalho
Hugo Oliveira
Marta Gomes
João Gomes
Gonçalo Barreira

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